We have specialised across different sectors in, among others, the following areas:
- Investment Protection
- EU and WTO Trade Defence
- Competition (State Aid
and Antitrust
- Public Procurement (Awarding of Contracts, Concessions)
On a multilateral level, within the WTO as part of the Doha development agenda, these four areas rank among the most controversial, and thus the most important, fields of globally active business enterprises, and are known as the so-called Singapore Topics.
For businesses, the European as well as the international legal frameworks for protection of direct foreign investment, for trade defence instruments, for antitrust violations and for the rules governing state aid as well as for questions of international market access, are crucial in equal measure.
We focus further upon specific sector-related legal questions, especially the sectors of:
With our specialisation, we ensure competent and effective advising and representation of our clients at the responsible authorities, as well as in front of the courts (EU courts, the EFTA Court of Justice, GATT and WTO panels, the ICC, the ICSID and national courts).